Tuesday 18 January 2011

Evaluation Activity 7

Throughout this whole project I feel as if I have learnt a lot about the different software that help make a film. From my preliminary task, I have become a lot more familiar with the programmes used to help make a film opening. I am now a lot more confident in using a camera and its equipment. I have used a lot more camera angles and shots compared to my preliminary task.
In our preliminary task that we had to do, we had to make sure we used a shot referred to as “shot reverse shot” This is where you have the camera over one of the characters so it looks as if you are just standing over their shoulder. I didn’t actually use this shot in my opening sequence, but if was asked to this, I would easily be able to perform it.
Obviously when looking at both the preliminary task and the film opening, you can see the difference in camera angles and the ways in which I have shown the different shots. There is also a difference in the lengths, therefore there is more to watch in my film opening. And of course if there is more time to watch then there’s going to be a lot more footage to work with.
My preliminary task took around two school lessons to properly complete, whereas the film opening took about a week to finish properly.

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