Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Evaluation Activity 2

These two characters remind me of each other because even though they aren’t geeks they still don’t seem to be very high up on the popularity meter.              They are both under achievers at school and are not really planning on doing anything with their lives just planning on what is coming ahead. Obviously there is a difference in appearance between these two characters, with one of them being slightly skinnier than the other. The costumes here are also very different, this is mainly because one is representing what American teenagers would look like and the other is near enough doing the same for English teenagers. Dress sense is very important when it comes to making a film as it gives the audience the impression of what the characters are like due to their clothes. By this I mean that if a character comes on the screen looking like a homeless person, then the audience is immediately going to guess that that character is in fact a homeless person. Obviously these two play different parts in their films, with one being depressed and on the verge of suicide and the other quite happy and mellow in his world. The character I have used in my media wouldn’t normally be seen in films, as he not a stereo typical person, many films will either have geek that gets bullied or the a rebel that is one of the popular ones, whereas in mine I have mixed the two together. I can’t think of any other characters that would really go with mine as it’s so distinct. The situations that the characters are in are completely different, so therefore they will both be acting in different ways. In some ways they are similar and in some ways they are different.

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