Monday, 20 September 2010

Cityscape editing video

For one of our tasks in A LEVEL Media Studies, we have to create a short 20-30 second video with clips of London, which were already given. First off we added the clips by dragging our chosen clip into the line that said video 1. The clips also include audio tracks, which I could have chose to keep or discard. When I had the amount of clips I wanted, then I began to crop them and make them into the size I want. To do this I had to use a tool located at the side of the screen called the razor tool. All I have to do is drag this over the part I want separated and it does it for me. I wanted to build a suspense and mysterious feel to my video. I didn’t want it to drag on too long, as this will loose interest of the viewer.
In some of the parts of the clip, I made the speed slower. I did this by changing the speed and duration of the clip.
When doing this clip, I looked at the different camera angles the clips had to offer. In conclusion I decided to use different clips to represent the different angles and movements used in films. I did this by one again using the razor tool. i didn’t use any transitions as I feel I fit the scenes in nicely together and did not need any. The piece of music I chose to do was called “Interloper” which I found on the Internet on a royalty free music site. I felt the music I found was perfect for the sort of effect I was going for. It also fit the pace of the video perfectly. I also used sound affects of a helicopter and an explosion, which I also retained from the royalty free website.
I then chose my title and other titles to place in throughout the video. I chose to call the video “Cityscape” and chose to only put one title in the clip, which I placed at the end along with the explosion sound track. I made the title colour a bright red, to emphasize the explosion.
I were to redo this work, I would have made it slightly longer. I would have also made some of the clips shorter as I feel some of them dragged on for too long.

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