Tuesday 18 January 2011

Evaluation Activity 7

Throughout this whole project I feel as if I have learnt a lot about the different software that help make a film. From my preliminary task, I have become a lot more familiar with the programmes used to help make a film opening. I am now a lot more confident in using a camera and its equipment. I have used a lot more camera angles and shots compared to my preliminary task.
In our preliminary task that we had to do, we had to make sure we used a shot referred to as “shot reverse shot” This is where you have the camera over one of the characters so it looks as if you are just standing over their shoulder. I didn’t actually use this shot in my opening sequence, but if was asked to this, I would easily be able to perform it.
Obviously when looking at both the preliminary task and the film opening, you can see the difference in camera angles and the ways in which I have shown the different shots. There is also a difference in the lengths, therefore there is more to watch in my film opening. And of course if there is more time to watch then there’s going to be a lot more footage to work with.
My preliminary task took around two school lessons to properly complete, whereas the film opening took about a week to finish properly.

Evaluation Activity 4

The main audience for my film would be young adults onwards. My film would definitely not be suitable for young teenagers, maybe around the age of 12-14 or any younger. I could definitely see my film getting spookier and maybe even involving slight gore. I would think that my film would attract a wide range of people, ranging from different ages. I think it will also be appealing for both sexes.
The girl with brown hair in the photo I would imagine would like a film with a good story line, and a dramatic ending. Maybe even a twist thrown in. My film has all of these elements, so therefore I feel that they will like my film.
She likes going out with her friends to the cinema or maybe out for a meal and sometimes just round her friends’ houses. She shops in places like river island and new look. She listens to music such as the fray and the script. Her favourite TV programme is misfits and hollyoaks.
I think teenagers will especially watch my film because it will relate to them more as it is about teenagers and school

Evaluation Activity 2

These two characters remind me of each other because even though they aren’t geeks they still don’t seem to be very high up on the popularity meter.              They are both under achievers at school and are not really planning on doing anything with their lives just planning on what is coming ahead. Obviously there is a difference in appearance between these two characters, with one of them being slightly skinnier than the other. The costumes here are also very different, this is mainly because one is representing what American teenagers would look like and the other is near enough doing the same for English teenagers. Dress sense is very important when it comes to making a film as it gives the audience the impression of what the characters are like due to their clothes. By this I mean that if a character comes on the screen looking like a homeless person, then the audience is immediately going to guess that that character is in fact a homeless person. Obviously these two play different parts in their films, with one being depressed and on the verge of suicide and the other quite happy and mellow in his world. The character I have used in my media wouldn’t normally be seen in films, as he not a stereo typical person, many films will either have geek that gets bullied or the a rebel that is one of the popular ones, whereas in mine I have mixed the two together. I can’t think of any other characters that would really go with mine as it’s so distinct. The situations that the characters are in are completely different, so therefore they will both be acting in different ways. In some ways they are similar and in some ways they are different.

Monday 10 January 2011

Evaluation activity one

The title of the film
When thinking of titles for my film, I really wanted to come up with a title that would be both scary and yet related exactly to the film. I thought that the title “Unrequited” fitted perfectly with both the genre I was going for and the plot of the opening sequence. Unrequited is film about a boy that gets bullied in school, and is a bit of an under achiever. He is also in love with one of the girls that bullies him, which makes it hard for him. He finally has enough and hangs himself. I thought unrequited would be a good title because I was hoping it would attract the audience and make them want to know what exactly was unrequited. I feel that unrequited has a somewhat eerie feel to it and this was the exact title I was going for. Also as it is just a one worded title, I feel it gives of a stronger horror vibe, rather than a sentence name.
There are many aspects to a movie that gives it its certain genre, for example a romance will consist of soft music and a happy atmosphere, which is the same for horror. So when planning my opening sequence I wanted to make sure that the setting was dark and spooky. I already knew where I want to film, and that was in the school, so my location was already set. I didn’t need any other places for my opening sequence, so I was quite lucky. The only I needed to worry about then was the setting. Even though I had set out to make sure that it had to look dark and spooky, I wanted to the horror to happen in day light, when no one expects it. By doing this, I was also making my video slightly different to other film openings of the same genre. The school that I filmed in isn’t exactly scary looking, so I had add some special effects in that I will talk about later. 
Costumes and props
I didn’t really set any exact costumes when filming my opening sequence. The main character (the boy who commits suicide) was wearing a brown cardigan and normal school trousers and shoes, which is exactly the look I was going for. As I didn’t want the boy to come across geeky, the cardigan added a somewhat rebel-like feature, as he is avoiding the correct school uniform. The two school girls were originally going to be wearing their dancing clothes, but I was unable to get my hands on any dancing costumes. So in the end I decided to just keep the girls in their uniform so that the audience would know they were school girls.
There aren’t a lot of props that I used in my film opening. The main prop I used was a scarf that the boy was going to use to kill himself. All the other props that were used were not added in deliberately, for example when the two girls are in the toilets and one is brushing her hair, this wasn’t added in on purpose. Although it did add to what girls would normally do in the toilets, and therefore made it more realistic.
Camerawork and editing
Camerawork is very important when it comes to creating an opening sequence as it’s basically your foundation. When I was filming I found myself being able to hold the camera still enough to look like a good shot. I used a range of different shots such as following shots, close ups, medium shots and more. I felt these shots gave effect to my video, as If I had shot the whole thing with the different camera angle, my audience would have lost interest quickly. Some of the shots such as the close ups gave my opening sequence more of an effect for example when there is a close up of the scarf that he is holding in his hand, this really adds effect to the tension and the question of what’s going to happen next.
Title font and style
For my title font I wanted something that would be both scary and maybe a little gruesome looking. I knew before I had even started looking that I would most likely find the font I was looking for on dafont.com. This is a website where people upload their own fonts for people to use. Within a few minutes of looking, I had found the font I was looking for. It looked spooky with an element of gore which was perfect.
Throughout my video there are a number of different titles with the names of the production etc. These were all written in different fonts. I didn’t actually mean for that to happen, it’s just I didn’t go through the fonts again. Because my video was relatively dark, I decided it would be best to make the writing white, so that people could see it, but it wouldn’t take the concentration of the audience away from what was happening in the shot.
Story and how opening sets it up
My story is basically about a teenage boy, around the age of 16-17 that gets bullied in school. Not only this but his school grades are dropping and he are finding it hard to stay on top of things. But the only thing that’s important to him is his love. He’s in love, and has been for a good few years now. She’s a popular girl, and therefore she bullies him too, but he’s not bothered… if it’s the only way he can be closed to her then that’s what he’s prepared to face. Eventually everything gets too much, and he comes to terms of the fact that he is never going to get his girl, she he decides to commit suicide in the school toilets. In a last attempt to win her heart, he hangs himself in the girl’s toilets, convinced she will come in and find her. A few years later, two girls are in the same toilets talking about how they have a dance competition coming up, and how they’re both nervous. Through mid-conversation one of the girls reminds herself to tell her friend the story about the boy, her other friend doesn’t really believe her and the conversation is dropped. A few moments later, the girl that told the story realises that its lesson time, and leaves the toilets. The girl who didn’t believe her still remains in the toilets and does her hair. The flashbacks start and we see the boy coming down the corridor again. The door in the toilets slams shut and the last thing we see is the girls face. 
Genre and how the opening suggests it
For any film, presenting the genre is very important. There are many aspects of a genre needed in a film to make that clear for example if you wanted to do romance, somewhere you’re going to need soft music and a happy atmosphere. The same applies for horror; you’re going to need the same sort of thrills when it comes to any horror film. I wanted to add these aspects into my film opening as well. I think the main reason as to why mine seem to be a horror is because of the distinct music that I put in. It fitted perfectly with the opening until the last 10 seconds or more when the song became a bit more uplifting.

Monday 22 November 2010

Preliminary task - Preparation



The first part of my video will not include any dialogue. It will only come in when the scene changes. It will start of with the girls in the school toilets:
Girl 1 (Jasmine): I hardly got any sleep last night I was too busy practising.
Girl 2 (Amy): Come on! You’ll be fine, we’ve all had enough practise. I’m so excited!
Girl 1: Me too! I’m just worried, my shoes are a size to big, they were the last one left (Pulls out ballet shoes)
Girl 2: I’m sure they’ll be fine (Not even looking at shoes, she continues to do her hair)
(Girl three enters)
Girl 3 (: how did I know I’d find you in here?
(the other two girls change their standing positions, by this we can tell that girl 3 is in a much higher school rank than them)
Girl 1: Shut up (in jokey tone) have you got all your stuff for tonight?
Girl 3: when do I not have my stuff? Honestly Jasmine. What’s the time?
Girl 2: Ermm, 2:30…why?
Girl 3: Just wondering, its nearly class time
Girl 2: Hey wait! What floor is this toilet on?
Girl 1: 3rd…. why?
Girl 2: My mum was telling me last night, how some boy hung himself in the girl’s toilet on the third floor
Girl 1: you’re so full of shit! Why would a boy hang himself in a girl’s toilet?
Girl 2: its true! And I don’t know?
Girl 3: she’s not lying… My mum told me before I came to this school. He used to be in love with her, but she never even knew him. Quite sad really.
Girl 2: see!
Girl 1: what so you’re saying is if you were in your mothers situation, you would have gone out with him.
Girl 3: no, but I would have given him a chance. Or at least got to know him or something.
Girl 1: you’re both full of shit, come on class is starting.
Girl 3: you go, I need to go to the toilet
Girl 2: ill save you a seat.
(Girl 1 & 2 leave, which leaves girl 3 on her own in the toilets)
she does her hair in the mirror, looks down to  her make up bag, and looks back up to the mirror. When she does this, there will be hanging feet in the background. she drops her makeup and lets out a small scream. she turns to look and there is nothing there. The scene then changes to later, after the ballet performance. The girls are still full of energy. Its around 8 O'clock and the school is completely empty. 
Teacher: So how are you all getting home?
Girl 3: My mums taking us
Teacher: what all of you?
Girl 3: Yep 
Teacher: Alright then, look girls, i really have to go. My babysitter was expecting me back well over an hour ago. so what I'm going to do is leave you my card so you can get out once your mother comes. Just make sure you don't go in any of the rooms, and give it back to me first thing tomorrow. okay, great show today girls! See you tomorrow and dont forget!
Girl 2: no problem, see you miss
The girls sit down on the cold floor, and chitchat. You wont be able to hear what they are saying. it will just be mumbles Eery music will begin to play and then there will be shadow. Girl 3 will get an incoming phone call from her mother, but when she answers there will be no response. she assumes that her mum is outside and goes to open the door, but it doesn't work. they try multiple times to open it and then they begin to try other methods, like barging and kicking the door. Girl three looks up to see a hooded figure outside. She then turns to the other girls
Girl 3: We're locked in...