Thursday 6 January 2011

final film opening


  1. Hi Camilla
    I love the way the film is in black and white which and slow motion to show the sadness and tragic effect you wanted to have on the opening.
    I was a bit confused as to why he went into the girls toilets haha but I think you catch the audience's attention well and i didn't get distracted from it at all. well done

  2. The grey effect combined with the music creates a good atmosphere and helps show the emotion of the character about to hang themselves. The titles also suit the introduction

  3. Hello

    Fab film opening! i really like the different camera angles you have used becasue it makes the opening very interesting. I like how the black and white creates quite a sad atmosphere to go with the mood of the character, the music also goes very well as again it ties in with the mood of the character.

    I also like how when the man is being shouted at in what appears to be an office you cant hear the shouting but it is still clear of what is going on.

    The plot is very clear, and is a good idea. Well done

  4. I think this film opening shows emotion really well my favourite scene is when there is a bloke pushing the table at your actor in slow motion I thought that worked really well. I think though to improve the music could have been mixed in a little better as at one point it cuts short and leaves a dead silence. Also maybe if you would have stuck to one font that suited the mood it would have worked better than a load of different ones. Other than that it is shot well, and gives good effect.

  5. I think the black and white effect added over the scenes work really well and how you have used a slow motion effect. You have used some interesting camera angles which work really well and help create the atmosphere.
    To improve your opening sequence you could have added more scenes towards the end, of the girls talking in the toilets.
