Monday, 22 November 2010

Preliminary task - Preparation



The first part of my video will not include any dialogue. It will only come in when the scene changes. It will start of with the girls in the school toilets:
Girl 1 (Jasmine): I hardly got any sleep last night I was too busy practising.
Girl 2 (Amy): Come on! You’ll be fine, we’ve all had enough practise. I’m so excited!
Girl 1: Me too! I’m just worried, my shoes are a size to big, they were the last one left (Pulls out ballet shoes)
Girl 2: I’m sure they’ll be fine (Not even looking at shoes, she continues to do her hair)
(Girl three enters)
Girl 3 (: how did I know I’d find you in here?
(the other two girls change their standing positions, by this we can tell that girl 3 is in a much higher school rank than them)
Girl 1: Shut up (in jokey tone) have you got all your stuff for tonight?
Girl 3: when do I not have my stuff? Honestly Jasmine. What’s the time?
Girl 2: Ermm, 2:30…why?
Girl 3: Just wondering, its nearly class time
Girl 2: Hey wait! What floor is this toilet on?
Girl 1: 3rd…. why?
Girl 2: My mum was telling me last night, how some boy hung himself in the girl’s toilet on the third floor
Girl 1: you’re so full of shit! Why would a boy hang himself in a girl’s toilet?
Girl 2: its true! And I don’t know?
Girl 3: she’s not lying… My mum told me before I came to this school. He used to be in love with her, but she never even knew him. Quite sad really.
Girl 2: see!
Girl 1: what so you’re saying is if you were in your mothers situation, you would have gone out with him.
Girl 3: no, but I would have given him a chance. Or at least got to know him or something.
Girl 1: you’re both full of shit, come on class is starting.
Girl 3: you go, I need to go to the toilet
Girl 2: ill save you a seat.
(Girl 1 & 2 leave, which leaves girl 3 on her own in the toilets)
she does her hair in the mirror, looks down to  her make up bag, and looks back up to the mirror. When she does this, there will be hanging feet in the background. she drops her makeup and lets out a small scream. she turns to look and there is nothing there. The scene then changes to later, after the ballet performance. The girls are still full of energy. Its around 8 O'clock and the school is completely empty. 
Teacher: So how are you all getting home?
Girl 3: My mums taking us
Teacher: what all of you?
Girl 3: Yep 
Teacher: Alright then, look girls, i really have to go. My babysitter was expecting me back well over an hour ago. so what I'm going to do is leave you my card so you can get out once your mother comes. Just make sure you don't go in any of the rooms, and give it back to me first thing tomorrow. okay, great show today girls! See you tomorrow and dont forget!
Girl 2: no problem, see you miss
The girls sit down on the cold floor, and chitchat. You wont be able to hear what they are saying. it will just be mumbles Eery music will begin to play and then there will be shadow. Girl 3 will get an incoming phone call from her mother, but when she answers there will be no response. she assumes that her mum is outside and goes to open the door, but it doesn't work. they try multiple times to open it and then they begin to try other methods, like barging and kicking the door. Girl three looks up to see a hooded figure outside. She then turns to the other girls
Girl 3: We're locked in...

Monday, 1 November 2010

Juno Opening Remake

Evaluation of Juno opening remake

We decided to do the opening of Juno as it seemed fun and also the areas we had similarly matched the surroundings that where in the film. First off we got together and watched the opening several times so that we could really pick up every shot. We then played it again, but this time we noted down all the timings of shots, how long the shots go on for, what happened in the shots and how many different angles there are. To make it easier to remember what the shots looked like, we created a storyboard that showed each individual angle and “new shot” there was. They were only rough sketches that would remind us. Although most of our surroundings match the ones in the film, there some parts we had to improvise on. Before we started filming we also had to set parts to people, so that no one was confused.
           We set one of our group members to play Juno, as she looked most like her. We tried our best to get the same props as the Juno opening as we could, which came out quite successful as most of the clothes we had matched. The only thing we had to change was the sunny D bottle prop, which we couldn’t find so we had to improvise with a Tropicana bottle instead. On the day we started our filming, the weather was cloudy but light, which wasn’t the weather in the opening scene. We had to work with this weather as we could be waiting numerous days for sun. We were rather lucky that the days that we had to work on were no raining. On the second day of filming however the weather was slightly gloomier and you can notice this slightly in the recording.
            When we did finished, we managed to get most of the main parts of the opening, although we have still got some bits that are missing. I’m rather pleased with the work we produced in the end, as we only had a limited amount of time to complete it. We also used some video footage we had to make other parts we had missed out. We only had two lessons to complete the video, so we were short for time.